Accompany Advisory

Consulting. Coaching. Courses.

Unlocking Value with CEOs by
Synchronizing Strategy, Finance, and Talent.
The Impactful Executive is a division of Accompany Advisory. Access The Impactful Executive Newsletter here.

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CEO Hurdles

Executives, especially CEOs, face the ever-present challenge of driving sustained value-creation. This is critical in times of transition, such as a new role, year, or quarter. Most will recognize the persistent hurdles below:1. The hurdle to adopt a winning strategy that meshes experience and data within the context of the value drivers of the business.2. The hurdle to articulate the winning strategy above clearly throughout the organization in ways that drive accountability of a capable team.3. The hurdle of overcoming financial and talent drag in terms of agile asset allocation and budgeting, as well as company hierarchies and team allocation.4. The hurdle of having the confidence that the company has the requisite execution discipline, urgency and attention to actually deliver.These hurdles create a potential “Gordian knot” that can be difficult to untangle as a lone executive, without systematic and synchronized collaborative consulting support.In our 15+ years of working with executives, we've found that the hurdles above often stem from overlooking the power of systematic synchronization of resources between key functions. This limits an executive's ability to unlock value.

Value at Stake

Executives often exhibit an unintended “A vs B vs C” approach, particularly when there are courageous, capable leaders in differing functional divisions. An inability to manage the interplay of executives based on poor translation of vastly different “functional languages” destroys potential enterprise value.Think of an organization as a machine: organizational alignment is its lubrication. Proper alignment ensures value unlock through synchronizing assets, particularly ideas (strategy), money (finance), and people (talent).Key observations on the the value at stake:Companies that can’t align strategy and finance are 10 times more likely to face financial decline. [PwC]40% of employees, when left unaligned, do not fully understand their company's strategic goals.[HBR]Misalignment between finance and talent leads to 30% lower return on investment in many firms. [McKinsey]Only 10% of strategies formulated are effectively executed in the average company. [Fortune]40%+ of companies with high alignment between finance and execution processes exceed their revenue targets. [Deloitte]Companies that effectively align talent with execution have a 15% higher shareholder return. [KPMG]Our consulting support systematically unlocks value by synchronizing Strategy, Finance, Talent, and Execution.

About Us

Accompany Advisory has been a strategic partner to a top-tier (MBB) firm.The company has worked on strategic and operational transformations through advanced analytics, critical thinking, complex problem solving, and proactive performance and program management.The company accesses an ecosystem of consultant to provider short-term senior support and executive capability building, while also ensuring longer-term (“long-and-thin”) associate capacity for continued value-creation.Relevant to South African clients: B-BEE Level 2, EME; 75% Black woman owned, 50% Black youth owned. Company registration number and VAT details available when contracting.Next step: arrange an intro call to gauge two-way fit (need and chemistry).

Contact Us

Please feel free to reach out to arrange an introductory call so we can gauge if we are able to help you.

Thank you

We look forward to understanding your needs and seeing if we can play a role in your success.